Hello, I’m Heather!
I’m a creative doer who loves to take an idea, run with it and relish in its final product. Whether it be crafting someone’s vision into the perfect blog design for them or finding a need to get more organized and creating a printable as a guide, I love a good project!
A long time ago…
back in 2001, after “retiring” from teaching to stay home with my boys I started a little family blog. It didn’t look the way I wanted it to. I decided to solve the problem by creating something prettier.
I had no idea what CSS and html were—but I quickly found out. That one little project turned into a small business for me. The perfect, work-from-home do-what-I -love job all while still getting to hang out with all of the cute guys in my life {note the picture!}.
What MFD is all about…
If you’re new here, I’d love for you to peek around and some of the free printables, organizational tools, or even let me help you with a new blog design.
I’d love to hear from you…
I welcome your suggestions/comments/questions (hmoritz@moritzfinedesigns.com). I want your time on the blog to be a fun experience and enjoyable and if you’re getting a new design, then my desire is for you to anticipate and then be thrilled with your new design!
I would love to have you join me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.