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Back to School Hacks & Free Printable Checklist

Itโ€™s that time again! Are you ready for the back to school rush? When youโ€™re not prepared, it can be an extremely stressful time for you and your kids.

Use these best Back to School Hacks to make the transition back to the day in and day out school routine easy for kids and parents.

Back To School Hacks & Daily Routine Checklist

Your kids going back to school doesnโ€™t have to doesnโ€™t have to be something you just get through. In fact, with a little organization and preparation, it can work very smoothly! Check out some of these back to school hacks and try a few out that might work for you.

Start Waking Up Now

Do your kids, and you for that matter, stay up late during the summer months for a few extra hours of fun? Sadly, the late nights have to end now. Thereโ€™s nothing worse than waking up hours earlier than you usually do only to have to go to school and work all day. Your child will be too tired to pay attention, and their schedule will take a good long while to adjust correctly.

Itโ€™s best that you start waking your children up at the time they will need to be up when itโ€™s back to school time. This way, their schedules will be acclimated already, and they will be off to a good start. I recommend starting this one to two weeks before itโ€™s time for school again!

Save on Supplies

When it comes down to it, pencils, paper, and books can add up. Why not take advantage of your stateโ€™s tax-free weekend and stock up on some school supplies! I mean, you know they are going to need them, so why not go ahead and save them for when back to school time rolls around. Your wallet will thank you, and your kids will never go to school without a trusty number two.

Break in Shoes Fast

We all love back to school clothes shopping. Well, some of us love it anyway. However, no one likes to walk around in their new clothes on the first day of school and feel uncomfortable. Help your kids out by breaking in their shoes early with a blow dryer! Itโ€™s true! Have your children put on a pair of socks and slip their feet into their new shoes. Once the shoes are on, take a blow dryer and use the hot air on the new shoes. Voila! Now the shoes fit, and you wonโ€™t have to deal with a pre-school tantrum in the morning.

Stick To A Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to kids during back to school time. Youโ€™ll want to establish a daily to-do list so that your kids wake up raring to go!

Use these best Back to School Hacks to make the transition back to the day in and day out school routine easy for kids and parents.

Do you want an example? Hereโ€™s a great starter free printable daily to do list for your children that you can adapt to fit your family’s specific needs:

Morning to-do’s:

  1. Make your bed
  2. Brush your teeth and hair
  3. Get dressed
  4. Eat a good breakfast
  5. Check that you have everything you need for school

After school to-doโ€™s

  1. Put book bag in a designated location
  2. Eat a healthy snack
  3. Take a break
  4. Do your homework and ask for help if itโ€™s needed
  5. Help prepare dinner, set the table, or do one chore

Evening to-doโ€™s

  1. Tell guardian one good thing that happened at school today
  2. Eat most of your dinner
  3. Help clean up the table
  4. Take a break
  5. Take a shower or a bath
  6. Brush your teeth
  7. Lay out clothes for tomorrowโ€™s school day
  8. Read a chapter of a book
  9. Think about what youโ€™re grateful for
  10. Go to sleep

As you can see, there are a lot of different things you can add to your childโ€™s daily routine checklist. It is entirely customizable and will make the difference between hectic and happy. These back to school hacks are just scratching the surface of how you can make the back to school madness into something fun and exciting for your children! When youโ€™re prepared, so are your kids!



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  1. Simply awesome check list not only for kids but also for elders.simple things that have potential to make the life beautiful.thanks for nice ideas.

      1. Heather – the list is long and doesnโ€™t scroll up to input name and email ๐Ÿ™
        I canโ€™t get it to the point I can fill it in.

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