The Best Year Reflection & Goal Setting Worksheet for Kids & Adults
The older our kids get, the more time we spend discussing what their goals are for the future: What GPA do you want to graduate with? What sports team would you like to make? What can you do to be helpful to someone else?
With a new year upon us, it a great time to have everyone in your family take just a bit of time to ponder through the previous year and to make some goals for the new year! It would be a great idea to make a night of it. Celebrate the past year and look forward to the new year with a fun family dinner, a few games and a brief time to reflect and goal set!
The Best Year Reflection & Goal Setting Worksheet
You can use “The Best Year” free goal setting printable! Simply click on the download link at the bottom of the post and print out as many copies as you need. The year is left blank so that you can use this same goal setting printable year after year.
How awesome would it be to go back every year and look at the previous year’s goals? It’s amazing for kids, especially, to see what they have done over the past year–their accomplishments, tasks done and growth!
Choose from two great style options below, both will come in your download! Get all of my printing tips here.
Enjoy your time processing, thinking and analyzing! Once you write your new goals down, be sure to place your Worksheet in a place that you can view it as a reminder!
Want to be more detailed in your goal setting? Check out this Yearly Resolutions Printable, where you can set both yearly and monthly goals!
Do you love this goal setting worksheet? As important as it is to reflect and set individual goals, it’s also important to set goals for your family! Our family goal setting worksheet is the perfect option for you to use. Gather the kids and spend 30-60 minutes setting yearly goals in areas related to finances, home projects, health, trips and more!
The holiday season can be downright exhausting. We have too many things to do and not enough time to get them done. The 2024 HOLIDAY PLANNER will not only help you get organized, but will also help melt away that holiday stress so that you can actually enjoy the season!
The best year goal setting printable is just what I needed, thanks!
You are welcome!
I wanted to stop by and let you know how impressed I am with your worksheet. You are truly amazing and blessed. I wish only the best for you this coming year and many, many thanks for sharing your goal setting printable. I wrote a post about our family’s experience using your worksheet that you can see at
Thanks for this printable! I’m spending the afternoon today, before school starts back up, doing this with my kiddos! Looking forward to the reflection and the fun opportunity to write!
Hope the kids enjoyed them…even if they don’t enjoy them now, they’ll love looking back at them in 20 years!
Love this!
I saw this on youtuber CreativePlanner’s video from Jan 2015. In case you didn’t know.
Love this as something to do over the holidays. Never too early to prep for new year’s goals.
I agree! We have our entire family do this every year!
Oh I love this!! Thanks so much for the adorable printable to bring in the new year ๐
Thanks, Andrea!
I LOVE THIS! I’m going to print off one for each of our kids AND one for my husband and I to fill out and we will all compare/read our answers. This is such a fun way to look back on the year and make fun yet attainable goals for the year ahead!
Thanks so much! Happy New Year! ๐
Thank you for this New Year printable! It is exactly what I was looking for. We will be filling these out tonight. Have a great New Year!
Thank you for this printable! Perfect for a goal setting for my kids. Have a great 2016!
Hey thank you for making this! This printable is awesome! It was a hit for my classroom!
Have a great New Year!
Used this with my family last night. It was perfect! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!!
Awesome…it’s fun to take it out a year from now and see what goals were accomplished!
This is fantastic! Thank you so much for making and sharing this <3 I am going to use this for a church activity with 8-12 year old girls.
Awesome! Glad you can use it, and thanks for stopping by the blog!
My husband and I just read our 2015 to each other and filled out new ones from 2016. Can’t wait to continue this tradition. Thanks for helping us reflect!
That’s so awesome, Heather!! Thanks for sharing with me!
Heather, Thank you so much for this great post. I am a life coach. I shared on my blog(, information from several sources about making family goals and having a family meeting. I shared a link to your post and some of the information I most appreciated from it. I love the ideas for reflecting what you want to change this year, including “what I am proud of” and “things I want to try.” I also used these ideas when making goals with my family.
AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing, Rebekah!! I’m going to hop over to your site to check it out.
Hi Heather!
I love this printable! I was wondering if I could use this in a blog post I’m writing for my church on ways to look back and look ahead? I know that it is copyrighted, so I don’t know what the rules are with using it somewhere else. Thank you!
Thanks for asking, Karissa! I emailed you details with how to share it!
I just tried to download this but it keeps giving me an error for drop box. Is there another way to download it? Could you just email it to me?
sent you an email!
I also tried to download with no luck. Any chance you can send? Thanks!
Sent you an email ๐
Hi I also wasn’t able to download, it asked me to join your mailing list, which I did, but still no luck. It’s a great sheet would love to use it with my kids! Thanks!
Sent you an email, Jessica.
Hi! Iโd love to print this for tonight but cannot figure out how to download ! Can you please email to me?
Thanks so much !
sent, Kerry!
Trying to download. Anyway you can send?
I tried to download this but it doesnโt seem to work. Would you mind sending to me, too, please?
sent ๐
Love the best year goal setting printable, but have been unable to download it after several attempts. Would you be able to email? Thank you so much for sharing your talent
sent ๐
Thank you!! Absolutely love this sheet and had fun as a family looking at our goals and things we want to accomplish this year. <3
I cannot get this to download. I have completed all the information but it just hangs there at 50%.
I love the worksheets, but when I tried to download I got malware. ๐
These are so cute! I printed them for our youth group of girls to fill out. Thank you!
Submitted the form but did not receive anything. Can you please send it?
For some reason, I can not download the best year printable. Can you send it to me?
I am unable to download? Can you email? This is beautiful!
Hello we would like to download this for our children.
Can you please email ?
Many thanks,
Sent it your way!!
Iโm having trouble downloading as well!
Emailed you, Jenna!
Hello! Every time I try to download the file , nothing happens. Can you please send it?
Sent you a link for download!
I’ve been trying to download this cute printable but it isn’t emailing to me or downloading. Can you help?
Sent you an email, Karen!
Hi download not working for me either. Please send a link, thank you,
It looks like it made it through on my end, if that’s not the case, let me know!
HI. Not seeing the link for download. Can you please send it?
The link is the Pink button at the bottom of the post!
Hi I’ve tried several times to download the file unsuccessfully. Can you please email the file? Love using these with our family. Best wishes!
Sent you an email, Shauna!
Thank you so much! I got it! Best to you for 2019!
Same to you Shauna!!
I love this! I love the reflection part of it too! Thank you so much!
You are so welcome!!
I’ve tried several times and also can’t get the printable.
Just sent you an email, Lindsey!
Hi -I am trying to download your printable and have submitted my email address but it won’t let me download. Could you please send it to me? Thanks!
The download comes via email! You just have to give it a few min. to arrive in your inbox! Happy New Year!
Hi! It is getting stuck at 50% for me as well. Would you be able to send an email to me? Thank you in advance, this looks perfect for my student!
It looks like it got delivered to your inbox—if that’s not the case, let me know and I can email it to you!
Hi! I tried to download as well but no luck. Could you send me an email?
I see it was sent to you at 8:15! Check your inbox and your spam. If you still don’t see it, let me know!
Can’t seem to download the printable. Can you send it to me please? : )
SURE! Just sent your way.
Will you email it to me, too? The download bar only loads to 50% for me.
Thanks! We’ve been doing these as a family since 2016 and it’s so fun to look back on!
Isn’t it, though? Just sent!
Hi please send me the link, I cant download. Many thanks.
Sent your way!
Could I please have a link to print the goal sheet? I am not able to do it from your website.
Thanks so much!
Looks like it arrived in your inbox!
Hi! Could you email this to me! I would love to use it for my youth group tomorrow!
Would love to use this as well- could you email me the link- it is not downloading?
Just sent! Remember to check your spam if you don’t see it in your inbox!
Could you please send it to me as well? It is still at 50% for me as well.
It got sent to you yesterday! Remember to check your spam if you donโt see it in your inbox!
Hi There! Have tried downloading this several times, but it is not appearing in my inbox.
We do this every year and would love to continue the tradition!
Thank You So Much!
Just sent your way!
Hi – Would love a copy of this too! It’s stuck at 50% for hours on your website.
Hi- is there any way to get a copy to my inbox? Tried downloading a . few times and it gets stuck at 50%…
Sent you an email, Holly!
Hi, I too am stuck at 50%. Could you please send a copy to me?
Thank you!!
Looks like it made it’s way to you?
Could you send me a copy of the goal setting sheet for the new year? Mine seems to be stuck on 50% and I can’t get it to finish. Thank you.
I tried printing this two days ago. Sent it to myself a couple of times, no email.
All other printable I was able to get not this one.:(
Can you fix the link to the download, please? This is a great printable and seems like lots for peeps want it but can’t get it. Thanks.
Hi! Thank you for sharing this great handout. I am having difficulty downloading. Would you mind emailing it to me?
Sent you an email, Priscilla!
Hi! This is great, but I am having difficulty downloading it. I’ve registered my name and email but when I try to download it just repeats the cycle of signing up. Is there another way to download it?
I can’t figure out how to download it…
Click the pink button at the bottom of the post! If nothing appears to be happening when clicking the button, make sure you have your pop up blocker turned off!
Hi Heather, the pink button isnโt working for me either to download, would you kindly email the new year goal setting worksheet please? Thank you
Stephanie- If you turn off your pop up blocker, the button will work! ๐
=( I tried that and it still stays at 50% downloaded….
I see the email was delivered to you today! If you don’t see it in your inbox, can you check your spam?
Could I have a copy sent through my way too!?
Hi Heather – can we please use this ‘best year reflection’ for kids involved on our social impact project , to keep kids active and healthy . On children receive video, image. picture quiz, and various co-curricular activities to perform. They get points for each activity performed and submitted. That helps them climb leaderboard and win monthly prizes. Essentially we keep them engaged in activities away from the screen to help them manage their screen time.
Giving your activity sheet we will ask kids to complete offline and submit responses. Based upon the response we will pick best entries can give them a small prize. Hope you have no objection to this. May be you can even help us select the best responses!
Can I get printable version of your “The Best Year”
I want to share it with my Youth at church….
Leslie Mendenhall
I wasn’t able to download it. May you send it to my email?
The link to download this isn’t working. Am I able to get a copy sent to my email?
Thank you!
Sent you an email!
Hi, I completed the info but wasn’t able to download it. Can you please send it to my email?
I click the link for the “free” printable and signed up. I received an email with a random free printable but not the New Year’s Eve one. How do I access the New Year’s Eve one?
still unable to get printable. it is not automatically going to the downloads. no response when click pink button
You probably have your pop up blocker turned on. When you click the button a pop up will appear to get access to the printable.
This “Best Year Reflection & Goal Setting Worksheet” is an excellent tool for both kids and adults. It encourages self-assessment and goal-setting, which can boost motivation. If you’re looking for a fun activity to complement this, consider incorporating poptropica into your learning process!