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Back to School Binder Covers & Spines

It’s totally ok with me to admit that I am a type A personality. I like for things to be organized and orderly. Back in my teaching days this meant I also wanted my 25 students to be organized in order to keep the classroom functional. Now that I am no longer in the classroom and work at home, I push these organizational tactics on to my boys ;).

Organize your classroom, office or home with these Free Editable Binder Covers & Spines. Perfect for teachers, kids and adults!

Of course, when organizing, things can’t be too bland or boring. It’s best to spice it up with cuteness and color! That’s why I am loving these free editable Binder Covers & Spines.

Free Editable Binder Covers & Spines


  • binder with clear view cover (can be any size: 1″, 1.5″ and 2″, etc.)
  • card stock (can use regular printer paper, but the color is bolder and brighter on the card stock)
  • download (at the bottom of the post)
  • dividers (optional–if you need to organize the inside of your binder)
  • printer

Simple Steps:

It’s so easy to create and use the spines and covers. Each of the spine covers is available in three size options: 1″, 1.5″ and 2″.

Download the covers using the link at the bottom of the post. To edit and add text, use a program such as Canva.com, PicMonkey.com or even Photoshop or Microsoft Word.

Let me show you how to quickly add your text using the free program Canva.com:

When you print your labeled binder covers, I would suggest printing on card stock. This will allow the cover to easily slip into the cover pocket without bending and, as mentioned in the supply list, the color is much brighter when printed on card stock versus regular paper.

Do you have a fear of using too much ink? I used to have the same issue…but not any longer. After spending hundreds of dollars every year on INK alone, I finally switched to the Instant Ink Program with HP. I got rid of my ink-hog printer, purchased a new printer and enrolled in the Instant Ink Program. Now, every page I print is only $.03! When printing ink-heavy designs (like the binder covers & spines), I don’t have to worry about how much ink I use! Want to give it a try? Enroll now in the program. The first month is FREE! If you hate it cancel, but I can guarantee you’ll love it as much as I do!



The holiday season can be downright exhausting. We have too many things to do and not enough time to get them done. The 2024 HOLIDAY PLANNER will not only help you get organized, but will also help melt away that holiday stress so that you can actually enjoy the season!

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  1. I subscribed and selected download but then nothing happened. Is there something else I need to do? I added my name and email address.

    1. I don’t know if you figured it out. But it should have sent a link to your email and an automatic pop up should have come up to download a zip file to your computer.

    1. Did you open it in your Adobe reader? Or did it open in a new window on your browser? If it opened in the browser, if you hover over the bottom right corner, a print option opens up.

  2. Quick question- I downloaded files but they are pdf and in your video your files are .jpg. How do I download the jpg file? I can’t change the pdf to jpg. TIA!

  3. I have subscribed and gotten the email but I do not have any files attached other than the bonus video telling me how to use Canva.com Please tell me what I am doing wrong. I see several that I would like to use but since I am not able to locate them, I cannot print them. Thanks in advance!

  4. I received the email with the download button for the files, but when it downloaded, it saved as a pdf doc with all the binder and spline designs. canva.com will not allow an upload of a pdf file and I am unable to conver the pdf to jpegs for each individual design. Can you help?

  5. Hi, Heather!
    I also downloaded the PDF and I could not use canva because it was not a jpg. Could you help me? I really would like to use them, but i don’t have anymore time to spend on this.

    Sue Moisan

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