Essential Oil Inventory List

Over the last two to three years our family has been gradually switching our home to be chemical free. A key component to this switch has been usingย Young Living Essential Oils. Our health has been better than it ever has!

During these past few years we have accumulated a large number of oils that we use for everything from scrapes and burns to digestive support to weight management.

We place a monthly order (called Essential Rewards) to get anything we may need–from toothpaste and shampoo to essential oils.

Keep track of all your essential oils with this free printable Essential Oil Inventory List. This detailed list of Young Living oils allows you to quickly and easily see what oils you have as well what you need to order.

Essential Oil Inventory List

There are times I struggle to remember which oils we do and don’t have. I keep a number of “extra” bottles of oils (typically the oils we use frequently like peppermint, lemon, lavender and more) for when we run out or to be able to gift to someone in need.

When it comes time to order each month, sometimes I can’t remember what I have and don’t have. This is especially true if a different family member finishes a bottle of oil and doesn’t tell me.

Keep track of all your essential oils with this free printable Essential Oil Inventory List. This detailed list of Young Living oils allows you to quickly and easily see what oils you have as well what you need to order.

I decided to create and Essential Oil Inventory List to keep track of all the oils we have in our home as well as what oils we need to order each month. There is also a place on the inventory list to write down some of my “wish list” oils–oils we don’t necessarily need, but would like to try if the budget allows.

This detailed list has allowed me to make sure I always have our “must have” oils on hand as well as quickly look to see if we have an oil or not.

I tend to mark it up with a pencil (not a pen) so that I can change my checkmarks from the have” column to the “need” column easily.

Go ahead, give it a try. Grab your Essential Oil Inventory List by clicking the button below.



The holiday season can be downright exhausting. We have too many things to do and not enough time to get them done. The 2024 HOLIDAY PLANNER will not only help you get organized, but will also help melt away that holiday stress so that you can actually enjoy the season!

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  1. I love your website and all the design. I have saved myself so much time trying to do them myself and I never had success. I now know that I am so organized. My friends are asking me howare you doing it. Evrything items and your storage room is so organied. I just simply tell them check out this Website it is outstanding. And I send them your website link.

  2. I am trying to download the YL checklist and it stay sits at 50% and does not move. thank you. Please send to my e-mail.

  3. Hi there! I’ve been hoping and looking for this exact list and I’ve tried multiple times to download, can you also send to me? Thank you SO very much!

  4. I also, am experiencing difficulty receiving this inventory list. Would you kindly send it to my email. Thanks so much!

      1. Could you please email me this list! LOVE your site! I was trying to get organized and it is NOT the gift God gave me! LOL

  5. I’ve entered my name & email a couple of times & yet the inventory list still doesn’t seem to be downloading. Can you please email it to me?
    Thank you!

  6. Hello! Just found your site and would love to be able to use your EO checklist. I am not able to download it, can you please send it to me? I had checked my spam folder before requesting you send it. Thank you!

      1. Hello Heather,

        May I ask if this oil inventory list is still available for download ? I can’t seem to click on it download. ๐Ÿ™

        Thank you so much.

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