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Chore Chart for Kids

chore charts for kids | organize your life | teaching kid's responsibility | free printable

For those of you moms who have had all of your kids in school, it’s time to say good-by to the quiet days and to get ready to usher in the crazy days of summer. With summer quickly approaching, now is a great time to get yourself organized and prepared for the days filled with kids!


Without the responsibility of homework and fewer sports practices, I tend to take advantage of the longer summer days to give our boys more responsibilities at home. It’s a perfect time to teach my kids how to do particular chores and then set them free to do them throughout the summer.

I typically use this Instant Gratification Chore Chart with my boys. It works well for our family, but I know it’s not for everyone. So–I created a simple chore chart that anyone can use.

On this chart, ย you decide what kind of chores you want your kids to do and then the check off when they are done. If you would like, you could use some sort of reward system for when chores are complete.

chore charts for kids | organize your life | teaching kid's responsibility | free printable

You could easily make a copy of this chart for each kid in your house every week. This turns out to be a fair amount of printing, but it doesn’t bother me because we get TONS of prints each month on our HP Instant Ink Plan.

If you don’t want to print it a bunch of times, it might be easier to print one for each child and thenย laminate them with theseย self-laminatingย sheets. The kids can use dry erase markersย to mark off their chores, at the end of the week, they simply erase and start over!

Such a simple way to keep track of chores: it allows both kids and parents to quickly glance at what needs to be done or what has already been checked off!



The holiday season can be downright exhausting. We have too many things to do and not enough time to get them done. The 2024 HOLIDAY PLANNER will not only help you get organized, but will also help melt away that holiday stress so that you can actually enjoy the season!

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  1. The free chore chart will not download. I have tried three different computers on different networks. After I submit my email and name, it gets stuck on 50%. Can you please email me a copy of the chore chart?

    Thank you kindly

  2. Hi there, I’m also having trouble downloading, it’s only going to 50%. Could you send it to me as well?

  3. I love the concept and would love if you could send me a copy of all the chore printables. None of the buttons will do anything for me.

  4. I’d love a copy of this chore chart. Looks like a great way to keep children accountable and teach them responsibility. If you can send it to me it would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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